През есента на 1923 година неназован кореспондент на новинарската агенция Press Association успява да посети лидера на ВМРО Тодор Александров в неговото скривалище нейде из македонските планини. Интервюто, което журналиста упява да вземе от войводата е публикувано на 26 септември в редица английски вестници, сред които Daily Express, Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, Manchester Guardian и др. Тук качваме оригиналното интервю поместено във вестник "The Yorkshire Post", както и превода на интервюто на български език публикуван на 5 октомври 1923 г. в брой 26 на официалния орган на македонската емиграция в България вестник "Независима Македония".
"Macedonian Bulgars and Their Rulers
I opened the conversation by asking him why he had decided to have recourse to force of arms, instead of employing legitimate means. He replied that it was only necessary to cast a glance at the life led by the Bulgars in Macedonia under the Greek or Serbian regime, whether in the towns or in the smallest villages. The present rulers were determined to Serbianise or Hellenise Macedonia, and this is spite of the minority clauses of the treaty of peace, which they totally ignored.
As an example, Alexandroff said that before the war there were in Macedonia 1,373 Bulgarian schools, with 78,854 pupils and 2,866 teachers. There were also 1,139 Bulgarian churches. Of all these, the Serbians and the Greeks had left not the least trace, for to-day there was in Macedonia not a single Bulgarian school, nor a single Bulgarian church. He would certainly have preferred a legal struggle to a revolutionary one, with all the bloodshed and misery it entailed, but what had been possible for the Croats was impossible for them. In the elections the Serbians had not allowed any list of native citizens. As a protest, the population of Macedonia had voted for the Communists and the Republicans, and this action had been followed by all kinds of oppression and arrests.
The Serbians would not even allow the use of the Bulgarian language. To-day there was in Macedonia not a single newspaper in the Bulgarian tongue, nor did any one dare even to have a Bulgarian book in his house. If any village decided to dismiss the Serbian priest who had been imposed upon it, or refused to send its children to the Serbian school opened by force, such action was followed by fines, arrests, the bastinado, and not infrequently by assassinations..."
Източник: Сканирана от оригинален екземпляр
Автор: Тодор Александров (1881-1924) е легендарен български революционер, дългогодишен лидер и една от иконите на македонското революционно движение.
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