An English translation of Hristo Matov's famous brochure - "Сръбските претенции в Западна България".
One thing the Serbs still hope to succeed in: that is, to create a distinct Macedonian nationality out of the Macedonian Bulgarians, so that at least they can thwart the strive for Bulgarian unity, which frightens them. Today Macedonia is not without this kind of Serbian propaganda. There are people here and there who propagate in this way and receive money from Serbian consuls.
Finally, may I be allowed to address the Serbs and to remind them that the population which has given to the Bulgarian history - Cyril and Methodius, Clement, Naum and the other seven disciples, Ivan of Rila, the capital of Ochrid, the Ochrid Patriarchate, the first spark for the revival of the Bulgarian people, the first printing press, the first book in the vernacular language, and especially, a vernacular alphabet, a Cyrillic alphabet, a translation of the holy books which has a universal Slavic significance, Bogomilism which has a European significance, - a population, I say, which has contributed all this to Bulgarian history, was, is and will remain the cornerstone of Bulgarianness.
Източник: Сканирана от оригинален екземпляр
Автор: Роденият в град Струга Христо Апостолов Матов (1872-1922) е виден революционер - член на Централния комитет и задгранично представителство на ВМОРО, водач на десницата в организацията и неин главен идеолог.
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